Thursday, April 5, 2012

New house update

We have been working at the new house a lot this week.  Lots of cleaning and working to clear out all the items left behind.  Tomorrow afternoon the carpet will be cleaned and then we will be ready to start moving more things in!!  I am really excited to see what the carpet looks like without all the stains too!  Yesterday and today we have been working on some painting and I am excited to see the end results of this.  I will try and take some pictures this evening and post them. 
It will be another big adjustment for our family to be back out on our own again.  I am not looking forward to some of this but I know it is best.  It has been really nice to have my parents around to help run the boys to school or watch the kids while I run a few errands.  I am very excited to celebrate Aubrey's 2nd birthday on the 14th at the new house and to be able to unpack all our belongings and decorate the new house!

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