Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Layla's baptism

This past Saturday night we headed up to Pomeroy for my college roommate's daughter's baptism.  I had the honor of being a sponsor/Godmother!  The five of us first headed to DSM shortly before lunch to see if we could find any good deals leftover from Black Friday and get a few things from Costco.  As luck would have it we let time get away from up and were later than we wanted leaving DSM to head to Pomeroy.  Long story short, Jeremy drove fast and got us there safely and I changed my clothes in the car heading down the highway.  Luckily it was getting dark already!  We made it to the service just in time.  Then we headed over to another small town, Manson, to Pizza Ranch for some dinner.  My children were quite entertaining to the group since they were the only other small children.  At least they were relatively well behaved and didnt embarrass me too much!  They also all wanted to hold baby Layla and not share her!  Layla was born on October 2 and is my friend Jaime's first born and my first born Hayden was born on October 3!  I am sure we will be making lots more trips up to Pocahontas to visit and hopefully they can make it down to see up here in Pella too!
Their birthdays are one day apart - and 8 years!

Nile and Layla - as you can see they all wanted a chance to hold her!

First atempt of Aubrey holding Layla with Mommy's help

Aubrey was in love with her!

My daughter, my goddaughter, and me!

finally got one with both of them looking at the camera!

long ride home!

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