Friday, November 9, 2012

A sign of things to come?....

No this is not a political post.  Last week we had some kind of bug at our house.  Monday after school Nile wasn't feeling well and stayed home the rest of the week.  Then Tuesday after school Hayden came home and took a nap.  He stayed home from school until this week Tuesday.  They weren't terrible sick - like cant keep anything down or anything like that, thanks goodness!  Mostly they just had temps that would fluctuate between 99 and 101.  After a week of lots of water and ibuprofen they seem to be doing better.  Still a little coughing but nothing too terrible.
Now starting yesterday morning my lower back has been hurting.  I am hoping it goes away on its own soon since the ibuprofen isn't helping much. 
I am hoping that these illnesses and pains aren't a sign of the winter ahead.  I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best.  I know that we have so much to be thankful for and I am hoping we can all stay healthy for the upcoming holiday season!
Blessings to all!

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