Friday, May 31, 2013

Last day of school 2012-2013

Today marks the end of another school year.  Hayden will soon be a 3rd grader and Nile will be a 1st grader!  The beginning and end of the school year is always emotional for me.  This was Nile's first year in school full time and I would be lying if I said the adjustment was easy for either of us.  Nile was so ready for school - that is until we went to meet your teacher day and I think he was just very overwhelmed by the size of the school and the reality of everything.  He is a child who is very outward with his emotions while Hayden is the exact opposite.  Even getting the boys ready this morning Nile was grumpier than usual and I think he is just trying to deal with school ending today.  When Hayden started school that was hard for me too but I as working part time and Aubrey was just 4 months old so I had other things on my mind too.  Plus Hayden was always happy to go to school and easy to get ready each morning!  Nile on the other hand started out well with leaving home and off to the bus stop with Hayden but that went downhill.  I still remember one morning when I had sent them off and a few minutes later they were back because Nile started crying at the top of the hill.  Hayden being the amazing big brother he is brought him back home and tried to comfort him.  I wasn't able to take them to school that day but my mom was so she drove them and said that Nile was still sad at drop off so she walked him in.  Talking to his teacher so said he always did great at school!  That is such a blessing!  Both of my boys do well in school and have several friends.  I have never had a problem with either of them acting out or getting into trouble.  I pray this continues through the years!  With lots of pray and patience Nile and I have gotten through the year.  Hayden and Aubrey look more like and tend to act more like Jeremy while Nile is all Van Wyk!  This can be very trying at times but I love him to death and have multiple pet names for him, here are just a few: Burt, Beetle Burt, Beetle, Nile Crocodile, Niley Bear, etc.  He is a challenge but I know God has a plan for his little life even now.  Hayden is learning and growing so much too.  He had an amazing teacher this year who has taught them how important it is to give to others.  He is learning more and more math and reading like a champ!  He is very excited for the challenges 3rd grade will bring.  Aubrey will still be home with me all day this coming school year.
Nile and Mrs De Joode

Nile and Mrs Warwick

Hayden and Mrs Foskett

the boys on the last day of school year 2012-2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

Track and field day 2013

Today the boys had a track and field day at school.  I was able to come in the afternoon to watch some of the events.  They both had a fun day and the weather was beautiful!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Van Wyk camp out

This past weekend we had our annual Van Wyk camp out.  This year we moved to the Whitebreast group camp sites.  It was wonderful.  The weather was great.  There weren't too many other campers there so there wasn't a lot of traffic.  And we had a great turn out.  And of course there was plenty to eat at all time!!  A big thanks to my in-laws for allowing us to borrow their super nice camper again this year!  We did have a little excitement with a brave raccoon searching for food in the trash cans nearby and then bringing his friends back and helping themselves to anything we left out after we all went to bed.  Friday night we forgot to bring the ice cream bucket half full of dog food in the camper and they ate almost all of it!  Then Saturday night we didn't realize there were some bars in our cooler and the raccoons chewed and clawed the top of it until they got in and helped themselves to some goodies!  They also tore some holes in some trash bags.  Oh well that is part of the fun of camping, right?!  The kids had a great time playing with cousins, riding their bikes or scooters, and playing cards.  Looking forward to next time already!

Nile's zoo trip

I had the pleasure of going along to the Blank Park Zoo with Nile and all of the kindergartners from Madison last Thursday.  Myself and another mom we in charge of 6 little boys!  Wow I do not know how teachers do it!  I was exhausted by the end of the day!  It was beautiful weather and the boys had a great time playing and seeing all of the animals.  All in all it was a fun day with my middle child!

fell "asleep" riding in the pouch

Nile's class

some ice cream to cool off

out cold on the way home

Winter to Summer?

Well it seems like we are not going to have much spring weather in Iowa this year.  It snowed and was cold just a few weeks ago and now it has warmed right up to the 80s regularly.  Last week it was close to 100 one day so I asked my dad to bring over the little plastic pool they have for Aubrey to play in.  We no longer have one and typically go to the big Pella pool in the summer.  Hayden had gotten sick in the night so he was home with us to.  He was feeling better by the afternoon and got in the water a little too.  Nile got in for a little while after school but I didnt get any pictures of him. 

Date night

A little over a week ago the Outlaws were in Knoxville and I had never seen them so we had a date night.  Tickets are typically at least $30 a piece for this race but we got some from a friend for $45 total!  We headed out for dinner and drinks at Applebees in Pella and then over to Knoxville for the races.  It was super cold!  We had a blanket to sit on and one to cover up with.  I had my winter coat and a hooded sweatshirt on.  It was so funny to see people in their carhart coveralls and winter gear at the races.  Normally it is so hot when we go there!  Guess we didnt have to worry about our drinks getting warm before we could drink them that night!  We ended up running into a friend of ours at the races and sat with him.  It was a good time!  Thanks to my in-laws for watching the kiddos for us!
a little blurry - still working with the new camera!

more ball game pics

Nile is starting his last week of practice and Hayden has been playing games for several weeks now.  Here are some pictures from some of Hayden's recent games.  I am simply amazed at how well Aubrey does at ball games.  I guess she has been going to them since she was a newborn!!  I suppose that is the life of a little girl with two big brothers that love baseball!
playing catcher with Daddy looking on - love it!

Nile was a little sweaty after riding his scooter to the game

Hayden at bat

and Hayden on base

Monday, May 6, 2013

Tulip Time 2013

Well after a rough start weatherwise we did get both parades in on Saturday.  It was a little wet but well worth it.  Saturday we loaded up on Tulip Time goodies along with lunch and supper downtown at the stands.  It was certainly less crowed that usual and one for the record books.  Here are lots of pictures from our one day of Tulip Time.

Aubrey loved the pink tulips!

sniffing the pretty tulips

tulips and my three Dutch babies!

tulips and snow?!

the whole gang before the afternoon parade - 4 generations here!

Jakob, Patrick and Nile on the float - ready to ride

Happy Dutch boy - love him!

Nile and Aubrey - she had to get up on the float for a pic too

Hayden and Daddy enjoying a funnel cake and the parade

Hot Rod Buddy and Aubrey

Nile riding on the float in the parade

Aubrey and Hayden watching the parade with Hot Rod Buddy

Sleepy little Dutch girl
Hayden with his awesome 2nd grade teacher Mrs Foskett