Monday, May 20, 2013

Van Wyk camp out

This past weekend we had our annual Van Wyk camp out.  This year we moved to the Whitebreast group camp sites.  It was wonderful.  The weather was great.  There weren't too many other campers there so there wasn't a lot of traffic.  And we had a great turn out.  And of course there was plenty to eat at all time!!  A big thanks to my in-laws for allowing us to borrow their super nice camper again this year!  We did have a little excitement with a brave raccoon searching for food in the trash cans nearby and then bringing his friends back and helping themselves to anything we left out after we all went to bed.  Friday night we forgot to bring the ice cream bucket half full of dog food in the camper and they ate almost all of it!  Then Saturday night we didn't realize there were some bars in our cooler and the raccoons chewed and clawed the top of it until they got in and helped themselves to some goodies!  They also tore some holes in some trash bags.  Oh well that is part of the fun of camping, right?!  The kids had a great time playing with cousins, riding their bikes or scooters, and playing cards.  Looking forward to next time already!

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