Monday, May 20, 2013

Date night

A little over a week ago the Outlaws were in Knoxville and I had never seen them so we had a date night.  Tickets are typically at least $30 a piece for this race but we got some from a friend for $45 total!  We headed out for dinner and drinks at Applebees in Pella and then over to Knoxville for the races.  It was super cold!  We had a blanket to sit on and one to cover up with.  I had my winter coat and a hooded sweatshirt on.  It was so funny to see people in their carhart coveralls and winter gear at the races.  Normally it is so hot when we go there!  Guess we didnt have to worry about our drinks getting warm before we could drink them that night!  We ended up running into a friend of ours at the races and sat with him.  It was a good time!  Thanks to my in-laws for watching the kiddos for us!
a little blurry - still working with the new camera!

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