Friday, May 31, 2013

Last day of school 2012-2013

Today marks the end of another school year.  Hayden will soon be a 3rd grader and Nile will be a 1st grader!  The beginning and end of the school year is always emotional for me.  This was Nile's first year in school full time and I would be lying if I said the adjustment was easy for either of us.  Nile was so ready for school - that is until we went to meet your teacher day and I think he was just very overwhelmed by the size of the school and the reality of everything.  He is a child who is very outward with his emotions while Hayden is the exact opposite.  Even getting the boys ready this morning Nile was grumpier than usual and I think he is just trying to deal with school ending today.  When Hayden started school that was hard for me too but I as working part time and Aubrey was just 4 months old so I had other things on my mind too.  Plus Hayden was always happy to go to school and easy to get ready each morning!  Nile on the other hand started out well with leaving home and off to the bus stop with Hayden but that went downhill.  I still remember one morning when I had sent them off and a few minutes later they were back because Nile started crying at the top of the hill.  Hayden being the amazing big brother he is brought him back home and tried to comfort him.  I wasn't able to take them to school that day but my mom was so she drove them and said that Nile was still sad at drop off so she walked him in.  Talking to his teacher so said he always did great at school!  That is such a blessing!  Both of my boys do well in school and have several friends.  I have never had a problem with either of them acting out or getting into trouble.  I pray this continues through the years!  With lots of pray and patience Nile and I have gotten through the year.  Hayden and Aubrey look more like and tend to act more like Jeremy while Nile is all Van Wyk!  This can be very trying at times but I love him to death and have multiple pet names for him, here are just a few: Burt, Beetle Burt, Beetle, Nile Crocodile, Niley Bear, etc.  He is a challenge but I know God has a plan for his little life even now.  Hayden is learning and growing so much too.  He had an amazing teacher this year who has taught them how important it is to give to others.  He is learning more and more math and reading like a champ!  He is very excited for the challenges 3rd grade will bring.  Aubrey will still be home with me all day this coming school year.
Nile and Mrs De Joode

Nile and Mrs Warwick

Hayden and Mrs Foskett

the boys on the last day of school year 2012-2013

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