Monday, August 5, 2013


I believe I have mentioned it before but Aubrey won some tickets at the Marion County fair a few weeks ago so we decided it was time to use some of them or it wouldn't happen.  With August here now things are going to start getting busy again.  The boys will be back in school in just over 2 weeks and I start again in 3 weeks.  Plus this fall Nile is playing soccer, Hayden is playing flag football, and we just signed Aubrey up for her first dance class.  Jeremy was writing down the boys' schedules on the calendar and it is looking pretty full already!  This weekend we will head up to Spencer, IA to a car show and some camping with my parents.  So we decided that last Saturday would be the day for the Adventureland tickets!  We had warned the kids that it wasn't going to see very exciting after going to Disney World earlier this year but still fun.  We had to buy two tickets and pay for parking but we packed a lunch and Daddy played one game to win the boys a little Hawkeye basketball.  It was busy when we first go there and a few rides weren't running but the kids had fun riding and we rode a few too.  All in all it was a fun family day and the kiddos were very well behaved.  We headed to Target afterwards so the kids could spend their allowance money and then to Montana Mike's in Newton for an early birthday dinner for Jeremy.  We were all tired by the time we got home and ready for a day of rest!

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