Saturday, August 17, 2013

Spencer car show weekend

Last weekend we loaded up the 38 and the camper and headed north west for about 4 hours to Spencer, IA.  They have a really nice little car show that we have been going to for a while and I have memories of from when I was little.  Friday night the kids played some games and we camped.  The boys slept in the tent for the first time and made it the whole night just the two of them!  Saturday we headed over to Arnolds Park for the car show and the amusement park.  It is a small park but we had a good time riding some rides and not having to wait in long lines.  Aubrey was mad that she wasn't big enough for the bumper cars but she loved jumping on the trampoline and still talks about it a lot.  Saturday night they have a dinner and band so Aubrey of course loved getting her groove on.  It rained all night so the boys slept in the camper and I didn't get much sleep.  Sunday morning after donuts and juice we headed down to Pocahontas to visit my college roommate and her family.  We had a fun visit and hope to see them again soon! 

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