Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My classes - Fall 2013

Well the boys have been back to school for a week now and my classes officially started yesterday.  This semester I will be taking two classes online through Iowa and another online through EICC.  At Iowa I am taking Interpersonal Effectiveness and Ethics in Human Relations & Counseling and EICC is Elementary Spanish II.  I am very much looking forward to my Iowa classes and less so my Spanish but I am trying to keep a positive attitude since it is required and this is only my second of four required foreign language classes.  The good news is that after this semester I will take my two final courses at Iowa in the spring and then only have the two Spanish classes left to complete my degree!!  My plan is to take the 3rd Spanish class in the spring with my Iowa classes, as long as this semester doesn't get to overwhelming, and then take my final undergraduate class either in the summer semester or next fall!!  That means I should be able to graduate December 2014!!  This degree has been a long time coming and I am so excited that is seems to be mapping out well and I should be done before Aubrey goes to school full time!  With the exception of a few classes I have really enjoyed my online learning journey and am not sure what I will be doing when I am done.  To actually work much in the psychology field you need a grad degree but I am not sure if that is feasible for us or not.  I am just happy to have been given this time home with my family and be able to finish my degree at the same time.  I have no idea what kind of work I will look for when we decide it is time for me to return to the workforce but I do know that God will provide just what he wants me to do!!

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