Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Well we have lived here for almost a year and a half already and I just got my new curtains up!  When we bought the house there were some curtains left.  We had Dutch lace in the living room, above the sink, and at the front door.  We also had some white/cream sheer curtains in the dinning room and a sheer white swag in the downstairs family room.  I took everything down to wash it when we moved in and never put the family room swag back up.  The rest of the curtains did get put back up but I knew I wanted to replace them.  I don't have a lot of experience in the window covering department so I didn't want to rush into anything especially since I wasn't sure what I really wanted and curtains can be VERY expensive!
We did buy zebra valances for Aubrey's room right away since I knew what I wanted and hung a valance in the upstairs bath that we already had from our old house.
About a month ago I washed all the windows in the house - inside and out - and took down every curtain and washed them.  I only put back up the ones I liked and we had been living without curtains in the rooms that needed replaced.  As I have already blogged about we painted our family room over Labor day so I was finally ready to start looking for window covering.  I found something I liked at Target but they didn't have anything other than the display and online it said it was not available online or in stores??  Through pintrest I found a site called that has affordable window coverings.  I looked around a little and found something I liked for each of the three rooms I was wanting to work on - and my total with shipping was just over $150!  All of the windows I needed curtains for were either double or triple wide windows so I was needing wider curtains.  After showing my choices to Jeremy he gave the OK to order and they came less than a week later!!  They are all washable which is a big plus and I am very happy with them. As you can probably tell from the pictures they could use a good steaming to get the package wrinkle out but other than that I love them!  I hung the dining and living room curtains up right away Saturday night.  The only curtain rod I had to buy was the one for our family room.  Our Wal-Mart didn't have much selection for the width I needed but I am happy with what I picked out.  Thanks to my wonderful, handy dad we got those hung today!

living room - they are not wide enough to cover all of the windows but these
 windows face the back of the house so we wont close them much

dinning room curtains - love the color

another view of the dinning room curtains

family room curtains - the gold with our gray wall
and black furniture looks great

these are the windows we haven't had curtains on for over a
 year so we have nicer shades that we can still use as well

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