Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Nile - soccer

This is Nile's first year playing soccer.  Hayden played when he was in Kindergarten and liked it but didn't love it.  I was hoping we would not be a soccer family for the following reasons: Jeremy is gone for most of the games since they are Saturdays, I have terrible fall allergies, and I was hoping to just be able to ease back into school without having practice and games all the times.
Well Nile LOVES soccer so I finally agreed to let him play this fall, he just started 1st grade.  It has been very hot for his first two games and all the boys are sweaty and red faced when they are done but he still loves it.  Hopefully the cool down that is supposed to start tomorrow will stick around and we wont be sweating our butts off at anymore soccer games this year.  Nile's team is a strange color, it is kind of brown, tan, and olive green mixed together.  We can up with the name The Dusty Rhinos and it has stuck.
With Hayden starting football this year and Aubrey just starting dance I think it is easy to say that my idea of a nice non busy fall is gone - for at least a few years!  Oh well, they are only young once and I want them to try different activities and find out what they like.  One top of school and their fall sports the boys also have church on Wednesday nights.  I am so thankful that I am here when they get home from school and Jeremy is off earlier than most dads so we are able to make sure they get their homework done and we can eat dinner together.

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