Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Family pictures

We took family pictures with Jeremy's family last Friday night.  That last time we took professional pictures with them Aubrey was just 8 months old!  Everyone did a good job and the pictures turned out great!  Thanks Digital Galleria!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Cheer Leading Clinic

Last Friday Aubrey participated in a cheer leading clinic put on by the high school cheer leading squad at Pella.  They learned cheers and stunts, ate pizza and cookies, and cheered at the varsity football game that night.  Aubrey had fun but wished she had pom poms to use at the game so we may have to look into that for next year.

New family member

This weekend we surprised the kids with a new pet!  They got to pick out a beta fish at Petco!  It was quite the ordeal getting all three to agree on a specific fish, name, and fish tank accessories!  The finally decided on a dragon tail beta names Clark, in honor of the Cubs mascot Clark.  We are all enjoying our new family member and the kids are constantly watching him swim around in his little tank on the counter in the dinning room/kitchen. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fall activities

This fall has been pretty busy around our house.  Both boys are playing flag football so we have two games a week.  Aubrey is taking dance classes again and also baton class this year so she has lessons two nights a week.  Nile is also still playing soccer so we have practice one night a week and games every Saturday morning.  Throw in Wednesday night church and you have a full schedule without considering Jeremy or I at all!!  It has been crazy at time with all these activities and all three kiddos in school full time this year but it has been fun as well.  Football and soccer are on the home stretch with only a week and a half left and then the boys will start up basketball.  Here are a few pictures from our busy fall!

Aubrey's first night of dance

Hayden flag football 2015

Dad and Hayden

Nile's first year of flag football

Nile soccer 2015

Aubrey at baton class (she is in the blue shirt)

Aubrey preforming downtown for the fall festival

Splish Splash

Nile in action - Go Colts

Hawkeye football

This season we took the whole family to the first Iowa football game.  We won tickets in a door prize from the Hawkeyes practice at Valley this spring.  We had great seat for a hot game! 

Hayden is 11!!!

I am really not sure how this happened, my oldest child turned 11 this past Saturday.  Hayden is such a fun kid.  He is really the perfect first child to have.  He is a great helper at home and loves to read and play many sports.  This Sunday we are having his friends' party at Sky Zone.  The boys have both been there but the rest of us have not so I am sure it will be an adventure. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Last weekend of summer break

The saturday before school started we decided to run up to Iowa City for the day and do a little shopping then Sunday we headed to the Iowa State Fair for some yummy fair food!  In Iowa City we enjoyed lunch at our favorite spot, Steak N Shake!  We headed to Herky's locker room to use our coupon that came with Jeremy's season tickets.  They also had some great sales going on.  Then the mall and Costco.  I had a long list for Costco and we were also able to find Aubrey a new winter coat for a great price!  Love that place!  Sunday we headed to the fair for some family fun.  Aubrey and I entered the Mother Daughter Look Alike contest and that was fun.  I had never participated in the State Fair before.  Here are a few pictures from our busy but fun weekend!

Meet the teacher and First day(s) of school 2015

Last Friday was meet the teacher day for our kiddos.  This was our first year with visiting 3 classes in the 1 1/2 hour time frame.  That doesn't sound to tough but it is super busy at all of the school and we want each child to have some time to get acclimated to what will be there new surroundings for many hours through the next months.  Here are a few pictures of each child in their classrooms.  Aubrey is in kindergarten, Nile is in 3rd grade (this is his last year at Madison), and Hayden is in 5th grade at Jefferson.  I am very thankful that Nile and Aubrey are together in the same school for this year.  It has been a big comfort to her, and me too!

Yesterday was the boys' first day of school.  They both were super excited to have male teachers this year and several friends in their classes.  Hayden will be moving between two classrooms for different subjects.  Nile said he had so much fun he didn't want school to end!  Hopefully that continues all year!  Today was day 2 for the boys and day 1 for Aubrey.  This first week for Kindergarten only they split the class in half alphabetically so she is going Tuesday and Thursday and then her whole class will be together Friday.  She has been very excited about school while I have been less excited.  I know she will do great and have a lot of fun but I miss her at home with me too.  She was a little nervous this morning but she went off to the bus with Nile no problem and I have been doing ok here at home.  I have several daycare friends to keep me busy so that helps too!


Thursday, August 6, 2015


This past Monday I was talking to the kids about birthdays.  I mentioned that Hayden's birthday was two months from that day and Nile reminded us that Daddy's birthday was in 3 days.  Aubrey asked when her birthday was and I told her in the spring.  Then Nile told her his birthday was in the winter.  Aubrey promptly said she knew someone else who's birthday was in the winter and I asked her who.  She quickly responded, "Jesus!"  Too cute not to share!

Friday, July 31, 2015

The last day of July!

It is hard for me to believe that today is the last day of July!  It seems like it was just turning July on my calendar and now it is gone!  July is one of my favorite months, fireworks, car shows, my birthday, no school, middle of the summer, I could go on and on.  It has been a hectic summer but a good summer for us.  As I look to the turn of the calendar tomorrow we have Jeremy's birthday, one more car show, a garage sale, my class reunion (15 years!), the start of school for all three kids (yikes!), flag football practices for both boys, soccer for Nile......It will be getting busy again!  Hayden just finished up his final camp for the summer this week so we will enjoy a little break from that before the craziness begins. 
We are enjoying some State baseball for Pella this summer and the boys have been going to lots of games.  Hopefully we will all be able to go and watch them play in the championship this Saturday night.  That would also give us a chance to get a few things done in DSM, the kids need a few school supplies and Aubrey needs some tennis shoes, I don't think she has even ever owned a pair!  It has always been twinkle toes and toms for her.  We found the boys some new shoes last Saturday but I struggle to find just the right pair for my girly girl. 
I hope you have all had a fun, relaxing summer and also look forward to what God has instore for us this coming fall!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Father's day weekend

I "surprised" Jeremy with tickets to see the Cubs in Minneapolis on Father's day.  We headed up on Saturday morning for a night away and my first trip to the Mall of America.  It was a busy weekend in Minneapolis with the Cubs in town and the Back to the Fifties car show.  We had reservations at a hotel near the mall and headed for some shopping after checking in.  Sunday we slept in and then headed to Ikea for our first visit before going downtown for the game.  We found a new dresser for Hayden and Ikea and ate some lunch.  After we got home I realized that the dresser was the first "new" piece of furniture we had ever bought for any of our kids!  We have been blessed to find used furniture and were given Aubrey's bedroom set by my parents, it was my Great Aunt's set previously. 

It was a beautiful warm day all the ballpark.  Luckily our sets were in the shade so it wasn't too bad.  Half way through the game we walked all the way around the stadium and took in the different sights.  It was a good game with the Cubs winning!  We even got to see a grand slam!  After the game we headed for home.  We enjoyed the time without little voices interrupting our conversations but were happy to get home and see the kiddos again.  Hopefully sometime we will be able to take the kids up to Minneapolis for a long weekend.

heading out kid free!

yummy steak dinner with this handsome guy!

ballpark love!
Happy Father's Day!

Cubs win, Cubs win!!