Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fall Festival 2012

Every year one of the local churches in town hosts a family fall festival at a local farm.  It is tons of fun for the kids and FREE!!  We love to go every year.  This year it looked like Jeremy would actually be able to join us since there was an away game on the Saturday it was scheduled for.....but then it rained!  So instead of having the festival last weekend we enjoyed a family day at home watching the rain and a Hawkeye victory!  So today I took all three kiddos out to the farm with Grammie to help out and we had a great time.  This was the first year I let Aubrey paint her own pumpkin and she LOVED that!  It is very colorful!  Nile attempted painting a face on his pumpkin and Hayden painted IOWA HAWKEYES on his.  They also have lots of fun games to play and things to play with.  Aubrey loved the train ride and playing in the soy beans.  Hayden had fun running around with a school friend.  Nile saw 5 kids from his kindergarten class.  It is a great event for families to come and just have fun together.  Hopefully next year we will all get to go together as a family!!
Aubrey painting her pumpkin

Nile painting his pumpkin

Hayden painting his pumpkin with friend Cashen

Aubrey and Nile playing in the soy beans

Nile launching a little pumpkin

Time for a train ride!

everyone on the hayrack ride

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