Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday Hayden

Well as hard as it is to believe I have been a mother for 8 years!  I know, I know - I dont look a day over 25 but it is true!  Heehee.  Even though Hayden wasnt planned by us he was certainly planned by God and he is such a blessing to our whole family!  It is amazing to watch him grow and learn.  The boys had school yesterday with an early out for the teachers.  I went and ate lunch with Hayden for his birthday and then we played at recess.  After Aubrey woke up from her nap Hayden opened his presents from us and played a little while before we headed to Applebees for supper.  He was allowed to pick where we went and since Culver's - his #1 pick hasnt opened yet we went to Applebees.  After supper and Hayden's birthday dessert shooter the boys headed to church and Aubrey and I hung out at home.
Friday Hayden has a birthday party to attend for a good friend from his old school and the Saturday is his "friend" party at our house.  Sunday he gets his first grown up Bible from the church and we are having the family party afterwards at our house again.  I should probably be cleaning the house but I am going to wait and do that tomorrow after Aubrey and I get a few groceries and run to the bank.  Here are a few picture of his opening presents yesterday.  I am sure I will have more to add after the two parties.

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