Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Nile's toothy adventure

Saturday night Nile woke up and came down to our bed complaining of a sore mouth.  We got him his water bottle and didn't think too much more about it.  He lay between us moaning and groaning so nobody got much sleep.  The next morning he said he had a sore in his mouth and we noticed that around one of his front teeth there was a lot of swelling but that tooth was only a tiny bit loose.  As the day went on the swelling got worse and he napped a little after some pain reliever.  Monday I brought him in to the dentist and they took an x-ray.  They noticed that his permanent tooth was coming in and pushing on the baby tooth but also the tooth was very large and would come in crooked if they didn't take out the three front baby teeth that were still in his mouth.  Poor Nile has inherited my small mouth and large teeth.  The dentist wiggled out a total of three teeth and Nile did great after an initial freak out and a bloody nose we got him calmed down and the dentist was able to do his work.  Nile was allowed to pick two prizes and two stickers from the treasure chest and then we headed to Wal-Mart for a new ninja turtle.  The tooth fairy also visited last night and left a little something too!

I know this is a terrible picture but it gives you an idea of the swelling and you can see a before shot with more teeth!
A day later when the swelling has gone down and he is feeling 100% better!
Looking like a jack-o-lantern just in time for Halloween!

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