Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas program 2012

Last night was our church Christmas program for the kiddos in the 3 year old class up to the 2nd graders.  This year was bitter sweet because it was Hayden's last year.  The 2nd graders get to do the "acting" in the program and wear cute costumes.  Hayden was the "start".  I also was in charge of the music and actions this year and I have to say the kids rocked it!  You never know how it is going to turn out after watching them fidget and complain in practice but they always do a fantastic job at the final performance.  The kindergarten class, which I teach, also got to be involved this year.  They took gifts that God gives us and gave them to baby Jesus at the manger during one of our songs.  They were super cute!  Next year Aubrey will get to be in the program!  That is a scary thought to me too!  She talked through the whole program and gave Jeremy a hard time because she wanted to come up and sit with Mommy.

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