Thursday, December 20, 2012


Well yesterday I spend a lot of the day running errands in preparation of the "blizzard" that was supposed to start late that afternoon.  The fridge, freezer, and cupboards are well stocked and we were ready.  Unfortunately it didnt start doing much until well after the kiddos were in bed asleep.  We didnt get too much snow but just enough to slow everyone down and cancel school.  The kids and I bundled up after a late breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes with homemade syrup.  We headed out in the snow for less than an hour I would say.  The wind was blowing pretty good and the snow didnt stick together so we couldnt get a snowman made.  Our neighbor boy came over and offered to shovel the driveway and I happily accepted.  I scooped the front walk to the door and that was enough for me.  After coming back inside we decided to watch The Grinch and I made some chocolate chip cookies for us - plus a plate to take next door as a thank you.  We had a yummy lunch of grilled cheese and tomato soup.  I got a griddle at Wal-Mart on black Friday and I love that thing!  I think it is impossible to burn something on it and I can make more at a time than I could on the stove top! 

Today after lunch the boys both helped me do some vacuuming and I got all the laundry caught up while Aubrey napped.  They are now happily playing Wii while I blog and think about starting supper.  I am very excited to be able to host Christmas with Jeremy's family at our house this year since we finally have enough room for everyone as well!  Nile has been coughing a lot these past few days and Aubrey has a little cold but I am praying that we will all be healthy for all of our gathering the next few weeks!  Hayden was asked to recite a passage of scripture at our candle lite Christmas Eve service so we have been working on that as well.  Blessing to all during this wonderful season - remember that the true meaning for our celebration is that our Savior came to Earth as a little baby to die for our sins!

First snow of Christmas 2012

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