Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Weekend in Omaha

Several months back I brought a Deal Garden promo for a water park hotel in Omaha.  It was a great deal including two nights stay, pizzas, and breakfast.  Not to mention the awesome water park area!  We headed out shortly after school last Friday.  Aubrey was asking me the entire day if it was time to go swimming at the water park!  The drive was fine, it was nice to see how they would do in the car for three hours, that will be pretty close to our flight to Florida in a few months!  Between the 3DS, laptop, and iPad the kids stayed entertained.  We grabbed some dinner to go and checked in to the hotel.  After we were done with supper it was time for a little swimming.  We had an hour till closing and that was just perfect.  Sorry I don't have any pictures of Hayden and Jeremy at the water park.  They were off tackling the big slides most of the time.  Nile, Aubrey and I hung out in the shallow area and lazy river a lot.  Saturday after breakfast and some fun in the arcade we went swimming again.  This time we ventured over to the small pool with basketball hoops.  The hotel had floaters to use for free so we suited Aubrey up and she had a blast "swimming" back and forth between Jeremy and me.  The hot tub was just the right temp and also connected to an outside tub so we had fun inside and outside in the water.  After a yummy lunch at Olive Garden we did a little Christmas shopping at a nearby strip mall then back to the hotel for a movie and naps (the kids watched the movie while I napped!).  We had pizza in our room for supper and then back swimming for the final time.  All in all it was a great mini-vacation!
Nile going down the smaller slides - he LOVED these!


my middle man!  such a fish!

the little lady - she did not want her pic taken

Nile out cold - he was the first to sleep both nights - if you know Nile you know that isn't normal!

Aubrey pretending to sleep
Hayden hanging out watching some TV

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