Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry CHRISTmas


family pic at my parent's house

car show t-shirt quilt

Nile's big present - a 3DS

Hayden got some great new Wii games

the aftermath of our Christmas eve candle lite service
Christmas morning

I hope everyone had a happy and healthy Christmas this year.  We are so blessed to have most all of our family close and be able to see everyone for the holidays.  We still have to more Christmas get togethers to go.  One Sunday night and another in January.  Then the weekend after the kids start back to school we will be heading to a hotel/indoor water park with Jeremy's family.  The kids are very much looking forward to this!
On Christmas eve we went to my parent's house to open gifts and eat dinner.  Hayden was asked to read some scripture for the Christmas eve service - which starts at 11 PM.  The boys didn't think they needed to rest so you can see by the picture above neither one made it till the end of the service.  Pretty much right after Hayden was done Nile fell asleep and Hayden follow 15 mins later.  Aubrey had been running a temp and was at home in bed asleep with Grandma Cathy staying with her.
Christmas morning we slept in til 8 AM and everyone was feeling much better.  We opened gifts and stockings and had a nice morning of playing with our new things and getting ready for Jeremy's family to come to our house that evening.  I was very excited to host this year since we finally have a house large enough for all of us!!  We opened gifts after Aubrey woke up from her nap and then we had dinner and the kids and adults played.  My children are so lucky to have two set of grandparents that they are very close to and love them so much!  Jeremy and I received a luggage set - just in time for our big trip to Florida in a few months!

From our family to yours - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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