Friday, January 11, 2013


Yesterday Jeremy mentioned that it would be nice to take advantage of the nice weather we will be having Friday and grill.  We decided on chicken breast since we had some from a meal we didnt end up making this week.  I didnt have any Italian dressing at home and in an attempt to make due with what we have and make more things from scratch I found a pintrest recipe online.  Heres hoping it tastes great!  I am sure it will since it will have been marinating for over 24 hours!

This morning I needed to make some more homemade laundry detergent so I brought all of the ingredients up to the kitchen and get it done.  I had found a few new recipes on pinterest that took only a few more ingredients and made a much bigger batch.  I mixed everything up and if definitely makes a much bigger batch!!  Now I just need to work on the kids bathroom, not smelling so great in there with three little ones using the potty!  But we are officially out of diapers!  Aubrey has been doing great all day and during naps.  She just needs a pull up for bedtime.  It is so nice to not have to change diapers anymore!  I have been changing kiddos for over 8 years straight!!  Although it is somewhat bitter sweet and means that my babies are all growing up it is also wonderful to not have to drag a diaper bag everywhere and spend money on diapers and wipes.  Later today Aubrey will be getting her new big girl bed.  My parents will be bringing over a full size bed that matches the dresser they gave us for Aubrey when we moved here.  She is very excited about this.  We have ordered her a set of Minnie Mouse sheets and we already have one other set.  Hopefully for her birthday she will get the full bedding zebra set I have picked out from Target.

Along with the new year Jeremy and I are trying to be better stewards with our money and more diligent with saving and not "wasting" our hard earned money.  Pella Corp is starting a new thing where they auto withdrawal 3% from your paycheck before taxes to go into your retirement account.  You can opt out of the program but we are going to give it a try.  We are also working to not use credit cards if at all possible.  This is something hard for me.  We always pay off the full balance each month so I never thought of it as a problem.  The more I have thought about it though the more I have seen that maybe the purchases with make with are cards could be better serviced to delay the purchase until we have the cash or do without.  So far it is a great feeling to now that soon we will have little to not credit card bill each month and should be coming out ahead each month. 

I was hoping to add some pictures to this post but am having trouble getting it to come up with my pictures on my computer.  Oh well.  Hopefully next time!

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