Tuesday, January 22, 2013

8th anniversary

Yesterday was our 8th wedding anniversary. For those of you who don't know as much about our relationship history here is a quick recap. Jeremy and I got married at the Marion County Courthouse on January 21, 2005. We met one year, one month, and one day earlier on December 20, 2003. Hayden was born on October 3, 2004 and was 3 and a half months old when we got married. Our church here in Pella doesn't allow you to get married there if you live together. Jeremy moved in with me after Hayden was born and we didn't think it made sense for him to move back out for an unknown amount of time while we planned a wedding. My mother's solution was for us to get married earlier and then we could plan a wedding at our church for later. We did have a wedding on June 25, 2005. When we got married at the courthouse we didn't have any wedding rings or anything! It was a quick ceremony! My parents and Jeremy's parents were both there along with Hayden. Some may have thought that things wouldn't last but here we are 8 year later! I have to admit I had no idea what I was doing that day and really hadn't thought it through too much other than I wanted Hayden to have a family and we all loved each other. God has certainly blessed us beyond measure. Not to say that things are always easy but it is still worth everything to be together. We have recently started a great sermon series on marriage at church and I am looking forward to the things Pastor Chris has to show us still in the coming weeks. I was very lucky to have found a Christian man who loves me and our family and works very hard each day to provide for us.

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