Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Snow day

This has been one strange week for our household.  Sunday morning started with a phone call from my mom saying church was cancelled due to the ice.  When we ventured out for lunch things were melting and we had a nice Sunday lunch with my parents and then coffee time at my aunt's house.  Jeremy's parents came up for supper and we played some games.  At bed time Nile was running a slight temp.  The next morning I got ready for the day and came up to get the boys up.  Nile was running a temp again and sounded terrible, could hardly talk, barky cough.  I called to cancel babysitting and got Hayden off to the bus.  We took Nile to the doctor and his strep test was negative.  Back home again we went and continued our day.  I did get Nile and Aubrey both to take a good nap so that was a plus!  Nile seemed like he was feeling better but after his nap he sounded even worse than before so I decided to cancel babysitting for Tuesday also.  Hayden also started not feeling the greatest.  Tuesday we all stayed home and slept late.  We had pancakes for breakfast and hung out in our jammies all day.  Mid day the doctor's office called and said that the culture the hospital kept over night came back positive for strep so Nile would have to be on an antibiotic and stay home from school again.  He was so excited!  I had Jeremy run a few errands for me after work since he was going to be out for a dentist appt anyways.  By now I am having trouble keeping track of the days since we have done nothing that we would normally do in the week!  The dentist wants Jeremy to have his wisdom teeth taken out as well!  I suppose when it rains it pours!  We are refinancing our house tomorrow night and will have to front a good amount of money for that, it is not cost to us we just have to cover the interest on the mortgage and the new escrow account.  Of course we are leaving for Florida 3 weeks from today so I am really hoping we get the check back from the first mortgage before we leave but not holding my breath on that!  Now today we had a big snow storm and Jeremy had to take my car to work since his wouldn't get through the snow drifts in the driveway!  And all the kiddos are home again.  The boys don't seem to mind at all, they have been spending some quality time with their 3DSs and have been getting along well for the most part.  We did get bundled up this morning to go our in the snow for a little while.  I got the front walk shoveled and the kids played.  Aubrey wants to make a snowman so badly but we just haven't had good packing snow yet.  Here are a few pic from our adventure in the snow today.  And now Jeremy just came home, he got his work done and isn't feeling super well so he is done for the day.  Hopefully we can all get over this bug and be healthy for our trip!

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