Saturday, March 17, 2012

Blank Park Zoo

Today we made our second attempt at going to the zoo.  On Wednesday we drove up to DSM after Jeremy got home from work only to find out that the zoo was only open 10-4 during the week right now.  We planned to try again this weekend but originally Jeremy was going to have to work on Saturday so we thought we might try Sunday.  Well it turned out the Jeremy didn't have to work today but Aubrey has been a little under the weather.  In the middle of the night Thursday night she woke me up crying and I went to check on her and she had gotten sick in her bed.  This was a first since the boys rarely get sick in their beds and Aubrey had never thrown up.  It was quite a mess and after giving her a bath and running a load of laundry we both got back to bed.  In the morning she seemed fine but didn't eat much for breakfast and then she got sick again in the highchair.  After that I was more careful about giving her much to eat and just gave her water to drink.  After running errands and picking up some pedilyte I gave that to her and she seemed just fine.  She wasn't fussy other than wanting to go outside and play and she didn't have any other symptoms.  We thought she was over it only to find her the next morning in bed where she had gotten sick again.  So strip the bed again and put her in the tub this morning to clean her up and she was happy as can be.  No temperature or any other symptoms.  We decided to see how she was after lunch and just give her some bland foods but of course she wanted what we were having and she seemed to do OK.  We decided to go ahead and head up to the zoo. 
The zoo was very busy but it was a beautiful day and it was fun to see what they had gotten done on the remodel and what new was in store.   The kids had a good time and Aubrey didn't have any problems. 
So far tonight she ate dinner fine and is in bed now.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that she is over this bug now and tomorrow morning we wont have anymore surprises waiting in her bed when we all get up for church!

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