Friday, March 23, 2012

Our busy week

Well it has been quite the busy week for myself and our family as a whole.  Monday started out great with the call we had been waiting for from my aunt/our realtor.  The bank had finally accepted our offer and we were ready to move forward and close on our new house ASAP.  We met with our mortgage company just to be sure we had everything needed to move things along and were excited to find out that we should be able to close in 2-3 weeks.  Then comes Tuesday, which is always a busy day because I babysit, Nile has preschool and I have an online lecture while Aubrey and said babysitting child nap.  While I was "in class" our realtor called again and I was to call back when I had time.  When I did I found out that our new house had been winterized just a few shorts weeks ago, even though the listing agent knew full well that we wanted the house and were doing everything we could to make that happen quickly.  This lead to a flood of anger and frustration along with a few phone calls to get things turned back on at the new house and put into our name, so even though the house isn't ours yet we are going to be paying the bills a little early because things have to be on for the appraisal.  If memory serves Wednesday came and went and then Thursday I got an email from some with our mortgage and upon looking at the forms I noticed that there were some mistakes!  A few calls to them cleared things and then I had the fun of home owners insurance as well.  Now today our insurance company called at 5:03 PM to let me know that they received something from the mortgage and the closing date was different than we thought and they had down we weren't doing escrow when we actually are - insert raising blood pressure and stress!!  Hopefully these little issues are easily fixed and we are still able to get into the new house before Aubrey's birthday next month.  Right now we are down to close on Monday April 9.

Now on to another - much less stress full topic for the week.  We went to Thesiens this week to get a few things since they are having an 18% off sale.  My mom and I started looking at the display to make your own laundry detergent and I mentioned that I knew several people who make their own.  She mentioned that we were getting low on detergent so we decided to try it.  When we got back home I got on Pintrest.  This is something I had signed up for but hadn't used but even though everyone is always raving about it.  I just am not very crafty so I didn't know what to look for.  I started looking for homemade laundry soap and have been hooked since.  Yesterday we made our first batch of laundry soap and it was super easy!  Now today I made a second batch of laundry soap, fabric softener, and dish washing soap.  Along with homemade pizza and angel food cake for dinner.   I have now decided I want to make homemade granola bars, tomato sauce, and apple pop tarts!  I am silly excited for all of these fun new ideas and cant wait to get into the new house, be unpacked and settled, and get to work!!

Well as you can see it has been a little crazy around here this week but things are progressing with the house which is what we want and we are all healthy and mostly happy ;-).  I don't believe I will be moving again after this very difficult process though so hopefully we are happy at our new house for a very long time!

The Rozenbooms

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