Tuesday, March 13, 2012

First day of Spring Break

Well the first day of spring break started well with the kids all sleeping in.  It went down hill fast with Nile having a bloody nose - he seems to have these from time to time.  It continued to bleed a little off and on throughout breakfast.  Then we all got dressed and out the door to take Hayden to his dentist check up.  On the way to the car Aubrey got moving a little too fast and couldn't slow down before coming to the cement landing at the garage so she had a fat/bloody lip and was a little sore.  All went well at the dentist and for most of the day until the kids were playing outside with the neighbors while I was working on dinner.  Jeremy was out at the grill with Aubrey and the boys were playing basketball next door.  Next things I hear is crying and screaming and I am not even sure who it is.  I run outside and Jeremy is walking over with Hayden covering his mouth.  If you know me very well you know that I don't do well with blood or "serious" injuries.  I ran inside to get a damp washcloth for Hayden's mouth and let Jeremy take care of him for a little while.  Hayden was crying and very upset for quite a while.  Jeremy mentioned that he was close to punching a hole in his lip and I literally almost passed out and had to sit down.  Now two of my three children have fat lips and Hayden's poor mouth is all black and blue.  Luckily no one injured their teeth during either falls today.  Hayden now says he is never going outside again.  Apparently he tripped and landed with his face on the neighbors steel trailer that is in the driveway by the basketball hoop.  He did eat dinner fine last night so I think they will all be fine in a few days.  Hopefully he is feeling better today so we can go to the park and enjoy this beautiful weather!  And hopefully we will stay injury free for the rest of the week!

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