Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spoiled hubby

Seems like here lately my husband has been getting pretty spoiled.  We bought Jimmy Buffet tickets to see his concert at Wells Fargo in April.  I don't mind Jimmy Buffet but I could go without seeing him and survive just fine.  It will be a good time though because we are going with another couple and I will enjoying seeing Jeremy so happy.
Then this past weekend we were shopping for our new smart TV so we can get rid of cable - see a previous post.  Turns out that the TV we thought would work for us wont and we ended up with a TV that wasn't double the price of our original "regular" TV but triple!  We are now the proud owners of a smart 3D TV - but hey it did come with a free 3D bluray player and two pair of glasses.
Now tonight we are going to Iowa City to see the Hawkeyes play in the opening round of the NIT. 

This post sounds a little like I am pouting or something but truly I am spoiled everyday to be able to stay home with our kids and not work right now.  So it is nice for us to be able to do some things for Jeremy right now since he works so hard to take care of us.  Love you! 

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