Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sale Pending

Jeremy happened to be on the computer tonight and told me that our house is listed as sale pending online now.  This doesn't actually change anything with where we are in the process but it does feel more like we are getting closer to that SOLD point and that will be a very exciting day indeed!!  Cant wait to take our picture by that sold sign with our family of 5.  We still have the picture of Jeremy, Hayden (as a baby) and I with the sold sign from our first house and my how things have changed since then!  We have been told that at this point we should hear back in 2-3 weeks but we are hoping for faster and preparing for the longest time.  God has certainly be teaching us patience between 3 children, selling our house ourselves, and this short sale process to buy our "dream" home.  We have been picking out paint colors for the downstairs family room, the boys' room, and the upstairs bathroom and I think we have some great ideas.  Just need to get the house so we can see how the little cards look on the wall and then the fun of painting!! 
I am really hoping that we can be in the house and at least a little settled by Aubrey's 2nd birthday since I was hoping to have her party there.  We usually do a big first birthday with all the family and fun so I think this year it will be just close family but should still be a fun time.  It is hard for me to believe that she will be two already.  Seems like just yesterday........ 
 a few days old at the hospital 4/10
 first birthday party 4/11
Valentines day 2/12

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