Thursday, July 25, 2013

Nile - bike riding

Last night we finally had time and it wasn't super hot out so we took the whole family up the street to the Christian grade school and worked on bike riding in the grass with Nile.  Hayden and Aubrey enjoyed the play sets and Nile took off on his bike no problem.  After we had been there for a little while my parents came and my dad was able to talk Nile into trying it on the pavement.  This was much easier for him to pedal and he got the hang of starting, stopping, turning, very quickly!  My parents had just gotten back from a week in Wisconsin so my mom and I were chatting while dad and Jeremy worked with Nile and Hayden biked around while Aubrey ran around!  It was a nice way to spend a beautiful evening.

starting in the grass

he's off!

she saw me with the camera and covered her face as she was running to me


Nile cruising!

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