Monday, July 15, 2013

Summer fun

I have really become a night owl again these past few weeks.  It is just much easier for me to get homework done and deal with Aubrey getting out of bed multiple times after she has been tucked in.  Also with watching more kiddos this summer I am not able to do homework as easily since there is not naptime for the bigger boys!  I have always been a night owl and wish I was more of a morning person but and I not and I have come to terms with it.  Caffeine is my friend some days!  This post is going to have a lot of pictures.  Some are from last Thursday night in Pella when the kids played Kermis games and decorated a hot air balloon cookie.  Some are from the car show last Saturday in the big wooden shoes and their bologna nats shirts.  Some are from last Sunday at the Marion county fair.  And a few are from tonight when we found some sparklers in the garage and let the kids use them.  Enjoy!

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